What are the other words for Fast

2 min readOct 8, 2020


What are the other words for Fast

What are the other words for Fast!

Lesson from Engdic.org

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Fast is the most useful word in English. It is the most used word in English. and its meaning is of hurry in a thing. so let's discuss What are the other words for Fast?

Other words for Fast

  • like an arrow from a bow
  • like billy-o
  • like crazy
  • like mad
  • like nobody’s business
  • like the clappers
  • like the deuce
  • like the wind
  • spanking
  • spanking
  • speedily
  • speedy
  • splitting
  • sporty
  • sporty
  • sprightly
  • sprightly high-speed
  • hot
  • hurried
  • hurriedly
  • in a flash
  • in a hurry
  • in a trice
  • in a wink
  • a mile a minute
  • accelerated
  • alacritous
  • apace
  • at a rate of knots
  • at full speed
  • at full tilt
  • at speed
  • at the speed of light
  • at warp speed
  • blinding
  • blistering

What are the other words for Fast with Examples!

What are the other words for Fast
  • a mile a minute

She was talking a mile a minute about the accident.

  • accelerated

Ali stepped on the gas and the car accelerated.

  • alacritous

His alacritous behavior and general effervescence was the reason everyone loved spending time with him.

  • apace

Meanwhile, he was writing apace, but nothing of particular merit.

  • at a rate of knots

Naeem got through her work at a rate of knots.

  • at full speed

Neha crashed headfirst at full speed into the horse.a

  • at full tilt

As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road.

  • at speed

The machine was operating at high speed.


  • at the speed of light

Physical optics are the ‘ active optics ‘ of the time of the speed of light.

  • at warp speed

There’s one drawback to this warp speed.

  • blinding

The white sand was almost as blinding as snow.

  • blistering

His gaze was blistering, his voice-controlled.

  • flying

Her emotions were flying and intense.

  • galloping

The Horse Guards were galloping, but still holding in their horses.

  • in a hurry

I tried to stop him but he made off in a hurry.

  • nippily

Then he’s off again, nippily leading the way to his orchard so that he can show off his apple trees, despite the fact that he has an arthritic knee.

  • scorching

Rob finally gave him a scorching look.

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I’ve taught English as a foreign language in Berlin since 2015, to a variety of private, commercial and institutional clients.